Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Goodness, it has been months. I've been busy ending my third year of law school and completing my legal attachment.

Tis' been a satisfying year, I must say. I learned a lot about myself and the people around me. Also, about my future and how I need to start planning early to avoid being caught in a time-freeze zone where I get indecisive and cannot move on with life.

I know it's not the end of the year yet and that it's not high time to review what I've learnt but I'm in the mood, so what the hell.  This year has been very rewarding and empowering for me. Throughout, the pattern has been such that I am constantly put on the spot where I need to make crucial decisions for myself. Thankfully, I mustered the courage and taken steps that are out of my comfort zone. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have learnt that I can trust my own judgment on my autonomy. I need not consult people all the time to be able to come up with a well-thought and reasonable verdict.

My legal attachment has been an eye-opening experience.  The prospect of a career in the legal field doesn't seem as daunting as it was before. I now know that there are other options that exist out there. All I have to do is reach out and grab them.  I've also learnt that it's important to have work-life balance. You'll go crazy without it. I, for one, would probably need that equilibrium as I'm the kinda person who needs variety in life.  I cannot just have a desk-job. Finding the time can be a problem but it's by no means impossible.