Tuesday, 14 May 2013


So I read somewhere in the news that a man was found hung in his home somewhere in Singapore.  Statements from his family inferred that he was receiving treatment for clinical depression and was battling it out.

This makes me sad.  Depression is no game.  I feel sad when I hear people who have resorted to taking their own lives. It's not a phase you can simply snap out of.  If it were, there wouldn't be any depressed people at all cause all of us would be able to switch it on and off.

Help is always a phone call, a text message, away.  Sometimes to just be able to talk it out can help the situation.

I'm so glad that my depression phase is just hormonal and due to my PCOS.  I'm glad I got the help I required and that I understand why I felt how I did and now, I know better about how to control a little of what I feel most of the time.  I just wish everyone can have access to help just as easily.

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